Industry Leading Subsea Camera Systems

Separator Line

We build highly customizable, all-in-one subsea imaging systems that meet the unique challenges of your industry. Our team will work with you to recommend the right system for your technical, operational, and integration needs. Our systems make use of our industry-leading subsea cameras, underwater lasers and subsea lights, Digital Video Recorder (DVR), and more.

Built To Withstand Severe Marine Environments

Proprietary water-corrected LiquidOptics lenses, rugged build, and versatile features ensure SubC Imaging cameras provide reliable, uncompromising 4K and HD video and imaging quality. View studding live HD video over Ethernet or coax, and live 4K video over fiber optics.


Systèmes d'imagerie personnalisés

SubC est spécialisé dans la création de systèmes complets d'imagerie et de gestion de données de bout en bout pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de nos clients.

In addition to still images, video and lighting, applications include photogrammetry, laser scanning, machinevision, and measurement. Contact us to discuss designing the perfect solution for your specifications.

subsea production technician working on a camera

Explore Our Resources

Prendre contact

Separator Line

Whether you have a question about subsea equipment, want a demo, or need customer support, we’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can reach us.




Customer Support:

Sales: team@


327 Memorial Drive

Clarenville, Newfoundland and Labrador

Canada, A5A 1E8